What exactly does a chiropractor do?
Simply put, chiropractors are health care professionals who specialize in the treatment and diagnosis of neuromuscular disorders. We receive special training in manual adjustment techniques which we then use to adjust your spine and eliminate misalignments in the spine that may be causing health problems.
Myofascial pain syndrome is a chronic soft tissue disorder that can be localized in one particular area or diffused affecting a larger area and multiple muscle groups.
The most common cause of myofascial pain syndrome includes:
1- Direct or indirect trauma to the soft tissue or muscle.
2- Repetitive use or over exertion of the soft tissue or muscle group.
3- Maintaining a poor posture over an extended period of time.
4- Poor work ergonomics at your work or home station.
5- Poor mattress quality/condition and poor sleeping habits.
6- Poor diet and inactivity
7- Long term exposure to chemicals or toxins.
8- Chronic or long term exposure to cold environment.
The symptoms include:
Painful muscle and soft tissue, which is usually aggravated by light or moderate direct pressure. It is extremely common for trigger points to be present in the soft tissue or the musculature affected. Trigger points are local tender nodules located in the soft tissue of muscle tissue. Trigger points combined with myofascial pain syndrome will frequently refer pain to different parts of your body making the diagnosis more challenging for most health care professionals. The discomfort associated with chronic myofascial pain syndrome is usually progressive and will get worse over time if untreated. Early detection and initiating early and oppropriate treatment protocols is key in moving forward and getting relief.
The most effective, natural and non- invasive way to treat myofascial pain syndrome is utilizing myofascial release techniques performed by a trained and experienced health care professional combined simultaneously with chiropractic manipulations.
Other options that are more costly more invasive and less natural are:
1- Trigger point injections alone without myofascial release following the procedure
2- Pain medication eg: narcotics or opiates
3- Surgery
These options will only give you temporary relief and an increase risk for chemical dependency.
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There are many routine treatments for foot problems, from anti-inflammatory pills to cortisone injections, to a million different pads, cushions, ointments and, of course, surgery. All of these have temporary, pain-relieving effects. But, if you want the chance to permanently solve the problem, you must change the way your feet function on the ground. And the only way to do that is to use a true custom, biomechanical orthotic: Sole Supports.